The wildlife rescue centre

Bolivia desperately needs a structure that can accommodate trafficked animals (why?).
Our charity has always had this ambition and the hard core was first competent in this area before training on the educational aspect. We are currently in the process of acquiring a 20-hectare piece of land to build the animal rescue centre.
Particular care was taken to choose the best place for this project and our research led us to the municipality of Buena Vista (why?).

This center will hold several roles :

  A shelter for animals victims of traffic

Space, care, food and living conditions respecting their needs: too many animals victims of trafficking wait in a tiny cage for better living conditions. The lack of structures and resources offers them little hope. Thémiselva therefore wishes to offer them the best possible living conditions through nutrition, cage layout and enrichments adapted to their way of life.

An educational tool

The Relief Centre will be an integral part of our “Forest Keepers” education program. It will be equipped with an area dedicated to education and will act as a complementary tool to interventions in schools. Seeing animals makes our message more concrete and allows to put faces on environmental problems. We want to open the centre to the public for guided tours that will deal with animals and their way of life but also threats that weigh on biodiversity including animal traffic.

A basis for rehabilitation for a release

The place of the animal is in nature.
Based on our experiences in friendly projects, we will focus our efforts on a key species for the region to establish a scientific protocol to release seriously and effectively. We would obviously like to see all the animals collected back in the jungle but this is unfortunately not possible (see our article on the subject). The species will be selected according to the frequency of receptions and the evolution of its population in the region.

    A basis for research

The scientific aspect, essential, must remain at the forefront. On the one hand because it is an integral part of other themes such as release or animal welfare and on the other because rescue centres are a privileged place for investigation (individuals of different species, bases for field studies, etc.).